Stress Relief

This week I felt overwhelmed by everything:  Meetings at work, presentations, taking my sweet mom to visit a retirement community, taking Lacy to a doctor's appointment.  By Friday I dreaded going to Walmart; today I dreaded participating in a community project with our Sunday School class; this evening I am dreading the thought of getting up and going to church.  That sense of dread has made me tired and now I have a headache.

This week I am overwhelmed with the thought of what our son is going through, and what we are facing. It doesn't do to dwell in that place where the present is painful and the future is bleak.  But this week, I am there.  I will have to ride this wave of exhaustion to its conclusion.  I will have to let God deliver me from this place.

When I feel this way, I know it is temporary, and that I will feel better soon.  It is natural, I think, to feel this sense of dread and sometimes to succumb to the hurtful realities of dealing with a cruel disease like Huntington's.  So many people have gone before me down this road, so many have managed to live life to the fullest while doing so.  Most days I feel happy, often joyful.

I find that sometimes the best medicine is to get my mind off myself.  Working with our Sunday School class this morning was relaxing and meaningful.  Kenny and I went out to dinner tonight and enjoyed a great meal at local mexican restaurant.  I am feeling some better.  I have a funny movie sitting next to my television.  This might be a good night to watch it.  Eventually I will be able to let go of this burden.  Sometimes it requires praying through.  Sometimes it also requires a funny movie and popcorn.


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