Suffering and the Power of God

During our Sunday School class this last weekend, we viewed a video concerning how Christians deal with suffering.  The video included interviews with a couple of people; one who had been fired unjustly and suffered because of that experience, and one who experienced a debilitating illness.

The "why" of suffering was discussed of course.  We try to make sense of what happens to us, and try to figure out why God allows us to experience heartache or pain.  We would not be human if we did not try to understand the world and our personal place in it.  Jesus' disciples asked "why," too.   "Why was this man born blind?  Was it because of his parents' sin or his sin?"  Jesus answered that there was not such a cause and effect...the man was born blind so that the power of God could be seen through his experience (my paraphrase).

It is my belief that we are all born for the power of God to be seen through our life experience.  We are all called upon to share the struggle for life in this world.   I've thought a lot about suffering and the "why" of it, and have come to the conclusion that the "why" is because we are human.

The people of faith that I have known who have struggled with a difficult or even terminal illness have left a powerful impression on my life.  My father, dear friends, aunts and uncles - all have looked to God for the power to endure.  The gift they received was a deep peace and an abiding trust in the Lord.

Our son is certainly not deserving of this disease that he is dealing with right now.   Sometimes, I look back on the last year and feel overwhelmed wondering how we have gotten through.   We have been supported by the Lord and by wonderful friends and family who encourage us every day.  Some days involve more struggle than others, but every day is a victory.  Every encounter we have with Lacy is a blessing, be it joyful or painful.   God gives us the gift of seeing His presence even in the valley of the shadow.  That's the power of God in our life experience.


  1. So very, very true, thank you for putting it into such clear thoughts.


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