Simple solutions (sometimes) for complex problems
Our visits with Lacy on the weekends had become difficult. We always bring him a Sonic meal on Sunday after church. The food was never right. The drink was bad, or the burger was bad, or we were just plain bad parents. We often could only stay a few minutes before we would be ordered to leave or be "arrested" by the police who, in Lacy's mind, are only a few minutes away. A few weeks ago, we ended our visit as Lacy screamed at us that we were guilty of "murderous threats" and would be put in jail with only a sliver of food a day. Those Sonic meals ruined our visits, and it was as Lacy was screaming that I realized the solution - in this case - might be very simple. We would purchase a Sonic card for Lacy. His care worker could use the card to get lunch for Lacy. We would no longer be the bad guys. This has been a godsend. We have had several visits now with Lacy that were calm and enjoyable. Last Sunday, we stayed for an hour, ...