
Life is like a GPS system. You are going in a direction, then something happens and you have to change course. Just like the voice on the GPS, you hear it in your mind; "Recalculating..."

I have been thinking about that analogy quite a bit, and wondering how our family's life would look as a GPS printout.

"Head north on marked route..."
(New normal with a special needs child) - "Recalculating...continue west on marked route."

(Move your child to a group home) - "Recalculating...continue south on marked route."

(Diagnosis of Huntington's Disease)

We have yet to see where this new route will take us. Still "...Recalculating..."

Good to remember - God can always see the route - like the satellites we use for GPS. We might be recalculating, but He's not. He's always known how to get us from the beginning to the end.

"...'And you know the way to the place where I am going.' Thomas said to Him, 'Lord we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?' Jesus said to him, 'I am the Way....'"


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