
 I've not been on my blog for quite some time.  After our Lacy passed away, there was not much to say.  But now, 5 years later, I am feeling my heart healing, and my ability to look back and be thankful is returning.  

In the late fall/early winter of 2005, our Lacy was in the hospital for four weeks.  What started as severe chills and fever became strep pneumonia.  Lacy spent a week in our local hospital, but after a short-lived improvement had to be intubated and airlifted to Little Rock.  

It was touch and go for the first 3 weeks, but finally Lacy was moved from ICU (and 16 days on a ventilator) and spent another week in a regular room until he was released in January of 2006.

While Lacy was in ICU my routine included spending an hour with him three times a day, reading to him, rubbing his feet, and praying for Lacy's recovery.  Giving thangs for blessings lifted my spirits and gave me hope.  Including Lacy in my thanks-giving was encouraging for him.

The scripture "In everything give thanks.." was my inspiration.  I did not give thanks for Lacy's illness, but began to express my thanks to the Lord for the nurses and doctors, the CNAs and chaplains.  I gave thanks for sunny days, and for friends who opened their home to me for that month.  As I focused on giving thanks, I felt the burden of fear and concern lift.  Nothing in our situation changed, but I let God have this burden.  

Today I am giving thanks for my blessings. My siblings, my nieces and nephews, my home and my spouse.  My little dog Roger.  A beautiful day and a time to be with family.  I won't minimize the losses.  We will always miss our Lacy.   It is a bittersweet holiday since this was one we always spent with my parents.   However, there are always blessings to list, and I'll be listing those today.  Won't you join me?


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