Gratitude Day 2
I'm at home today fighting off a doozy of a cold. Plenty of time to count my blessings. I am grateful today for the wonderful friends Kenny and I have gained through our association with HDSA and our HD support group. My friend, Wanda, with whom I share a birthday, has written so eloquently about her battle with HD. Her writing has given me a window into Lacy's world that I wouldn't have without her. She reminds me to rejoice in the Lord and remember that His name is above every name. Leesa, the Regional Director for HDSA Team Hope. During our several phone conversations we have encouraged each other to be positive and channel grief and suffering into a way to make a difference. The members of our HD support group. We talk together about navigating the disease, and keeping our spirits up in spite of the inevitable outcome of HD. That we can laugh and make plans for the future is a testament to our shared determination to focus on what we have...