Stormy Weather

For no man can lay any foundation other than the one which has been laid: that foundation is Jesus Christ.  Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw - the work of each builder will become visible, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each has done.~ I Corinthians 3:11-13

The text read: Lacy is sad and crying.  He said he is thinking about his birthday, and wondering what he did wrong to his parents.  Please call.

Thank God it is Labor Day and I am off work.  A quick call and Lacy is on the line.

"Mom, I am thinking about those years...the fun times we had...I wonder what I did wrong...I want to have more fun times."

What did he do wrong?  Nothing.  A defective gene has made it nearly impossible to take him out anymore.  

We spent those years building a family.  Now, the strength of that foundation is being rocked by the firestorm of HD.  Can we find a way to have those fun times again?  I don't know, but we will try.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," I tell him, and I brush my hair, get in the car and go with sweaty face and work clothes.  I don't care.

He is feeling some better when I arrive.  His care worker, Madeline, is crying, too.  We hug each other and cry together.  It is heartbreaking to see Lacy cry and mourn the loss of a part of his life.  He understands more than we know sometimes.

When I get to his apartment, Lacy is in his bed, fatigued and tired, but smiles and whispers "My sweet beloved mom is here."

I sit beside him, hold him, dry his tears, pat his back.  He falls asleep with my hand in his. 

We want to serve God in this trying time.  We have to hold on to Him and to each other.  The scripture our pastor shared yesterday reminded me:  We have to listen and hear God's voice.  We have to act on His words.  "Be of good cheer - I have overcome the world...take My yoke upon you and learn from Me...My yoke is easy, My burden is light...I am the Vine, you are the branches...apart from Me you can do nothing..."

Storms of life...I didn't know what they meant, not really, until the last few years.  Sometimes we wonder how we will withstand this storm.  One day at a time.  

"Everyone, then, who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.  The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock."  ~Matthew 7:24-25

Still holding...


  1. Walking with you daily in prayer. Your relationship is so sweet between you and Lacy. He is so sweet. I pray he finds things that satisfy his energy and heart in this time of his life and that the time you have together is the best.

  2. I don't know you but I feel we share similar heartache. Your post made me cry because I have felt the same way in dealing with my HD brother in law. It just plain hurts to the core. I pray for you and your son.

  3. Labor Day afternoon we went back to see Lacy. He was laying down in his bed flat on his back. His bedroom window we open wide with the blinds raised tightly to the top. He insisted on leaving it open despite the outside heat. "I can better communicate with everyone." He waves as his neighbors and staff as they go by. He talks to imaginary police officers or others who can take his complaints. He talks "to us- his beloved Mom and Dad" out the window even though we are sitting beside him. He thanks the Lord God Above. It took some effort for him to raise his head so we could put the new pillows under his head. His world is getting smaller.

    Then laying next to him I can see a late summer afternoon cloud billowing and climbing. He used to carry various copies of weather books and cloud identification guides. So it's the cumulo-nimbus cloud roiling and boiling up. Above that rising mass is the high wispy flat cirrus clouds. This could become a thunderhead. The sun and the bright blue sky makes the billowing clouds appear with cream, white, and hint of yellow. The cirrus clouds are a flat white. He giggles as we remember the cloud names and probable weather conditions. His gaze to the heavens and the newly discovered wonder seen from his bed leaves that enchanting smile. His world is getting smaller some think.


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