Quiet time to think

Right now, our family has settled into a routine.  We have our new normal, and we are adapting to this surprisingly well, I think.  Alan's mood has stabilized.  He still has occasional outbursts, and fits of paranoia, but we and his caregivers have learned to let him rant and wait it out.  His mood changes on a dime, and he is happy and compliant again.

Because we are enjoying this quiet time, I've had a lot of opportunities to think about the information that is out there on Huntington's Disease.  There are some great articles that can be downloaded from the HDSA website, and some good books ranging from a physician's guide to management of the disease to a small book with just the facts about Huntington's.

What I notice is that so many of the books focus on just one point of view - perhaps the physicians, perhaps the caregiver or the person who has been recently diagnosed.  Articles or webinars for caregivers are available on the website.  However, there is no book just for the lay person.   What if it were possible to put all this information together in a book, like a "What to expect when you have Huntington's" with information for caregivers, sufferers, and even for the special needs person who has Huntington's?

Possibilities for contributing something to folks who are struggling.  Food for thought when I have quiet time to think.


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