A Nursing Home
Lacy has been at a nursing home now for almost three months. We are sure we made the right decision, and are confident that he is well cared for. Huntington's Disease has not been a part of the professional experience for most of the caregivers at Lacy's nursing home. The behavior issues - perseveration, paranoia, anger - confound many of the dedicated staff. His speech is becoming more difficult to understand, and these folks haven't known him long enough to be able to decode his speech just yet. We are still working to make sure his needs are met, and that he has the adaptive equipment he needs (like adaptive silverware). No matter what we do, or how we try to help, we are pretty powerless in the face of the ravages of HD. We are all feeling our way. We have found that it is important to share our knowledge and any information or materials we can supply. Either Kenny or I (or both of us) are there at some point every day, and sometimes mul...